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BrewGeeks - Home
Learn about homebrewing beer and DIY with lots of great tips and tricks for both the beginner and advanced brewer. Also keep up on the latest homebrewing news
Calculate Stuff - BrewGeeks
While it's nice to know how to calculate things manually, a software program like Beersmith is easily worth twice it's cost and will save you a lot of time and frustration. For that reason, we are...
$30 Hopback - BrewGeeks
I know there are several threads on hopbacks, but I didn't see a blow by blow how to, so here's how I did it. I won't include in and out fittings, since those will be dictated by your particular...
Rack Beer to a Keg - BrewGeeks
Racking is the term brewers use to describe transferring wort or beer from one vessel to another.
12oz Beer Crate - BrewGeeks
This crate will hold a case of 12oz beer bottles with dividers to protect your homebrew. The design is based on the original Two Picket Beer Crate , so if you are having problems putting this one...
Dry Hop - BrewGeeks
Hops are added in the last 10 minutes of the boil to contribute less to bitterness and more to aroma but many of these oils are boiled off in the process. How can you add even more aroma? Dry...