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Tapestry Dolls
Cut a strip of cardboard that is 3 inches wide. Draw a line from the bottom left corner of this piece of cardboard to a point that is 7/16 inch from the upper left corner of the cardboard. Draw an...
Make your own top
Sand paper You can purchase a top, but it can be more fun to make your own, even if it is not as fancy as a commercial top. The kind of top that we will make is similar in the way it works as the to...
LET'S MAKE A HELICOPTER About this project - You can make your very own helicopter using materials that are readily available. This project is rated as EASY to INTERMEDIATE. Supplies - computer pape...
Ghost stuffed toy
This project is rated as: DIFFICULT In order to make this toy, some sewing skills will be required. An experienced seamstress will have no problems in following the directions. Materials needed: ...
Paper or Metal Cat
Paper or Metal Cat PAPER or METAL CAT This project is rated as: EASY Materials needed: Computer paper (or card stock or thin sheet metal), crayons (or colored pencils or paint) In this project,...
CHRISTMAS WREATH MODERATE Materials needed: Computer paper (or card stock, colored or white), coloring pens, (or colored pencils, crayons, paint), Scissors (or craft knife), glue (or paste), optiona...