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Browse Volumes and Issues :: BioResources
Raleigh, NC 27695
The next-generation biomass for biorefining :: BioResources
Hah Young Yoo a and Seung Wook Kim b,* Biorefining, which uses biomass as feedstock and converts it into valuable products, is a core technology for the sustainable green industry and has high potenti...
Nanocellulose: Beyond the ordinary :: BioResources
b,* Nanocellulose is a collective term for nanoassemblies of macromolecular cellulose in fibrous and crystalline forms, mainly originating from woody bioresources. Fascinating physicochemical properti...
Volume 16 Issue 4 :: Article Issues :: BioResources
BioResources 16(4), 6548-6550.AbstractArticlePDF When NC State University recently hired me to lead a course concentration in sustainable design, I began to hone in on what sustainable product develop...
Recent advancements in biochar production according to feedstock classification, pyrolysis
Youngsang Chun, b,1 Hah Young Yoo, c,* and Seung Wook Kim a,b,* Biochar is highly valuable in various applications due to its unique physicochemical properties such as high thermal efficiency, high s...
Volume 16 Issue 2 :: Article Issues :: BioResources
Polymer nanoparticles for drug delivery – synthetic vs. biopolymers?," BioResources 16(2), 2181-2183.AbstractArticlePDF Nanoparticles have a great prospect for therapeutic applications. They can prot...