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Trail Maps and Routes - BikeBrampton
Online trail maps and routes make getting around the connected network in City of Brampton easier by bicycle.
Events - BikeBrampton
Brampton and Caledon events held by BikeBrampton and its partners are featured, with links to more details.
Bike the Creek 8th Annual - BikeBrampton
It's a successful wrap on Bike the Creek 2022, the 8th annual signature ride through Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga.
Brampton Cycling - BikeBrampton
Brampton endorsed its Active Transportation Master Plan in 2019, supporting its 2040 Vision for safe integrated transportation choices.
Bike the Creek 2022 - BikeBrampton
Register for Bike the Creek, the 8th annual regional signature ride through Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga!
About BikeBrampton - BikeBrampton
BikeBrampton are volunteers who encourage, promote and advocate for increased safe cycling in Brampton and Caledon.