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About – Big City Driver
Big City Driver is owned and edited by Ken Skaggs, former columnist for Ten-Four Magazine (2000-2010), a veteran trucker (1985-2010), and former trucking company owner (2003-2010). The purpose of t…
Free CDL Practice Tests – Big City Driver
As you may (or may not) know, Big City Driver) has been offering Free CDL Tests online since 2000. But, these days, with all the new technology, an update was in order. For example, I really like t…
Trucking – Big City Driver
BigCityDriver | September 16, 2015 Depending on which part of the country you live or drive in, you might be faced with road construction year round. In regions where the constructio...
CDL Tests – Big City Driver
BigCityDriver | April 16, 2012 As you may (or may not) know, Big City Driver) has been offering Free CDL Tests online since 2000. But, these days, with all the new technology, an ...
Write for BCD – Big City Driver
We accept guest posts, but they must meet certain criteria. All posts must be related to Trucking and must be useful for people in the industry. So if you read your own article and think – &#…
100 Trucking Safety Meeting Topics and City Driving Tips – Big City Driver
I get a lot of email from trucking companies, asking for safety meeting topics and ideas- and I have a bunch of them. In fact, my articles have appeared in hundreds of trucking company newsletters …