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Dr Stacey Nottingham | Dr Gail Wasserman |
Dr. Stacey Nottingham, Chief Executive Officer Dr. Stacey Nottingham is a trained expert in combining top-notch scientific research and natural supplements to create individual balance. Her firm ...
Alternative Cancer Care |
Biological Medicine is born in part out of the health care practices of European homeopathy and homo-toxicology, anthroposophical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and the ancient medical system...
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Vitamin D is a vital nutrient found in the body. The foods you will find it in are the fatty fish species like tuna, herring, sardines and mackerel. Not my favorites, how about you? The sun provides s...
Depression & Anxiety | Hormones or Neurotransmitter |
There are many deficiencies that are linked with depression and anxiety. They can be caused by deficiencies of hormones and the major disorders may be linked to neurotransmitter imbalances. General...
BHRT vs. Synthetic Hormones | Safer Hormones | |
Q: What is the difference between Bioidentical Hormones (BHRT) and Synthetic hormones? A: Bioidentical hormones are made to have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by your own body. S...
Bioidentical Estrogen | Biest Explained |
How many of us think there is only one type of estrogen? There are many types of estrogen in the body. Three are well-known and used in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement. Estrone or E1, Estradiol ...