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Past Winners — Bend Venture Conference
Bend, Oregon 97702
Announcing the winners of the 17th annual Bend Venture Conference — Bend Venture Conference
ANNOUNCING THE WINNERS OF THE 17TH ANNUAL BEND VENTURE CONFERENCE Over Half a Million Dollars Awarded BEND, Ore. – October 16, 2020 – Economic Development for Central Oregon (EDCO) hosted the 17th...
19th Annual Bend Venture Conference: Seven Companies Awarded a Total of $665,000 — Bend Venture
BEND, Ore. – October 23, 2022 – Economic Development for Central Oregon (EDCO) hosted the 19th Annual Bend Venture Conference (BVC) at the Tower Theatre in Downtown Bend. During the conference, 14...
Invest in BVC — Bend Venture Conference
$350 million #1 in New Business Bend ranked 1st in the nation in new businesses and in job growth among American mid-sized cities between 2013-2019. Networking Effects More than 250 angels have partic...
Apply — Bend Venture Conference
Early Stage Track Have a proof of concept and/or MVP. Have customer traction and/or early revenue. Are in the process of testing their product in the market. Aim to generate long-term enterprise valu...
- Apply — Bend Venture Conference