Bats-LIVE is a program for children in the 4-8th grades and their educators
CLICK HERE to watch a webcast from Bracken Bat Cave, the world’s largest bat colony, located near San Antonio, Texas, which is the summer home of the world's largest bat colony. With millions of M...
Bats are essential to the health of our natural world. They help control insect pests and are vital pollinators and seed-dispersers for countless plants. Yet these wonderfully diverse and benefic...
Cave and Karst - The World Beneath our Feet (held on October 11, 2012)
Below are the PowerPoint Presentations used in the webinar and available for your use.
CLICK HERE for the caves and karst PPT...
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources – Build a bat house
Bats occupy almost every habitat in the world eating tons of insects nightly, pollinating flowers, and spreading seeds that grow new plants and even trees. Bats are our most important natural preda...