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Richard Bashner - Candidate for Mayor of New York City
Richard Bashner is a Brooklyn Community Board member and commercial attorney running as a Democrat for mayor of New York City.
Terms of Service - Bashner 2017
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Richard Bashner Biography - Bashner 2017
Like many New Yorkers, Richard has humble roots. His family came to New York City as immigrants. A true New Yorker, making New York work for all of us.
Land-Use, Preservation and Zoning - Bashner 2017
As Mayor, Richard will support neighborhood preservation, parks, and contextual buildings; and challenge out-of-scale development.
Affordable Housing, Senior Housing, and Housing for People With Disabilities - Bashner 2017
As Mayor, Richard will champion affordable housing so New Yorkers from all walks have homes.
Homelessness and Our Safety Net - Bashner 2017
As Mayor, Richard will lead a compassionate city that supports and assists those in need. Reverse the Mayor’s unbounded support of real estate development, which has […]