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Bad Word Mama!: My Dirty Little Secret
Okay, you got me.. it's not really a dirty secret! I love to read, I read every single day. I usually read about 2 to 3 books a week. ...
Bad Word Mama!: Leash Free
It happened slowly, I barely noticed the change. The love that was given so freely before was now set by rules and boundaries. If the bou...
Bad Word Mama!: Am I Inspiring?
There are many, many bloggers I follow, but there is one that has been so supportive of my little blog here. She's never in competition wit...
Bad Word Mama!: 2013-04-07
My subject is: "Dear Kardashians." Here it goes: Dear Kardashians, I have to admit that I haven't watched very many of your shows. I know who everyone is and I think I've formed an opinion that I...
Bad Word Mama!: 2013-04-21
Hey there all, I gotcha in here didn't I? You read something about a bank robbery didn't you? Well, I won't lie to you.. not too much. I had quite the weekend and yes it did include a bank robbery. ...
Bad Word Mama!: Sore Loser
I have been in such a writing and reading funk lately. I haven't even wanted to converse with anyone on Facebook for the past few days. I'...