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Russia-Australia historical military connections | Россия-Австралия
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Russian-Australian military connections
Elena Govor. Australia and the Crimean War
Elena Govor AUSTRALIA AND THE CRIMEAN WAR The Crimean War which broke out thousands of miles away from Australia, the war in which only a handful of Australians participated, left its impact on all ...
Russia-Australia historical military connections. Contents
THE FIRST WORLD WAR the fates of the cruisers "Zhemchug", "Emden" and "Sydney" crossed... The Gallipoli battle. In 1915 Great Britain and Russia attempted to capture the straights between the M...
Vladimir Kroupnik
Good day, dear visitor of this site! My name is Vladimir Kroupnik. I was born in Moscow in 1959. My father was an army officer, he retired with the rank of Navy Colonel. He spent four years ...
Vladimir Kroupnik. Australians in Russia during the Civil War
Vladimir Kroupnik Introduction Many Australian military servicemen visited Russia during the Civil War (1918-1919). In some cases they were escapees from the German or Turkish captivity. But mai...
Елена Говор
Елена Говор - историк и писатель. Закончила Минский Институт культуры, затем работала в отделе южнотихоокеанских исследований Института востоковедения АН СССР, специалист по истории русско-австрал...