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Atmospheric Chemistry @ UAH
The Atmospheric Chemistry program is part of the Atmospheric Science Department at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Since the founding of the Atmospheric Science program in 1992, researc...
Atmospheric Chemistry @ UAH
RAPCD Air quality is the result of complex interactions between meteorology (wind and rain), natural and anthropogenic (man-made) ...
Atmospheric Chemistry @ UAH
RADIOMETERS ESSC scientists are measuring the downwelling thermal infrared radiation from the atmosphere, using two ventilated Kipp & Zonen CG4 pyrgeometers atop a twelve-foot tower ...
Atmospheric Chemistry @ UAH
OZONE TRANSPORT The O3 transport in which we are interested includes both the air pollutant (O3 and its precursors, primarily NOx, CO, and VOCs) transport/transformation from a high emission region to...
Atmospheric Chemistry @ UAH
TROPOSPHERIC OZONE LIDAR NETWORK The Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) is a unique network of lidar systems that provide high-resolution ozone profiles from the planetary boundary layer (PBL) ...
Atmospheric Chemistry @ UAH
SATELLITE VALIDATION USING OZONE LIDAR PROFILES Observations of tropospheric O3 and precursor gases (e.g., CO, NO2, formaldehyde (HCHO)) have been made from space-borne platforms which have led to the...