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Live Video | Atlantic Festivals of Music
Live Streaming Video Adjudicated performances are streamed via Facebook Live. Check the festival schedule to learn where and when each ensemble is performing. Then tune in by visiting the venue’s Face...
Featured Performers: 2023 | Atlantic Festivals of Music
Featured Performers (2023) Our exciting lineup of featured performers for the 2024 Atlantic Festival of Music will be announced soon. Billington/Omae Quintet About the Quintet St. FX faculty members R...
2024 Festival Overview | Atlantic Festivals of Music
About Us AFM is one of Canada’s finest music festivals, taking place annually in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The festival helps thousands of participants from schools and community organizations worldwide p...
Featured Performances & Events: 2023 | Atlantic Festivals of Music
Featured Performances & Events The music doesn’t end with your performance! The festival also spotlights exciting guest artists. Be sure to include these great events on your festival schedule. Coming...
Schedule Summary | Atlantic Festivals of Music
Schedule Summary AFM takes place over three days on the campus of Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In addition to your ensemble’s adjudicated performances, you may also choose t...
Register | Atlantic Festivals of Music
Note: This calculator requires that you enter your organization's address information above. Registration fees are $39.50 for attendees performing in ONLY ONE ensemble, $59.50 for attendees performing...