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Rick Burress ::: Photography and Editing Courses ::: Artistec Inc.
Digital Photography—a Step UP! We’ll begin with "What's New" in the Adobe Camera RAW (ACR) editor. I'll explain what's important to your photography and why. Next, we'll dive deep into the more power...
Rick Burress ::: Bio ::: Artistec Inc
Bio: About Rick Burress He knows your industry. He speaks your language. Call him to master the efficiencies of your design & photography software. As one of the three original Apple-certified consult...
Rick Burress ::: CSV2VCARD ::: Artistec
Step 3 (Copy vCard) This simple JS conversion takes CSV (or tab-delimited) contacts and turns them into vCard format. This was originally written to take information from Outlook Express for Mac OS 9...
Rick Burress ::: Bio ::: Artistec Inc
Artistec™ uses calibrated monitors at standard gamma (2.2). This means our monitors can make out the difference between all of the grayscale blocks below. We recommend to make the most of this si...
Rick Burress ::: Bridge and Camera RAW Editing ::: Artistec Inc
You just don't know it yet. You can't buy it. It comes married to Photoshop—Bridge is Photoshop’s Bride. They’re built and sold to be a team. You've only been seeing half the picture. All the buzz ...
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