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APO | Analysis and Policy Observatory
APO "This is a book for the record of a specific time, essentially 1983-1991, when I was an Australian Government Minister for Primary Industry and then Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, b...
The Energy Charter | APO
This guideline was co-developed by landholder and community representatives and a group of electricity transmission businesses to build a shared understanding of the impacts and potential benefits ass...
Cardiff University | APO
This report presents the findings of the first empirical investigation into the emergence of ‘blended advice’ after the COVID-19 pandemic. Blended advice refers to models of advice delivery which invo...
Piers Verstegan | APO
Australia’s primary policy to address industrial greenhouse gas emissions now requires stronger action to cut pollution from gas projects including full abatement of reservoir emissions. The Santos Ba...
Poverty in Australia 2020 - part 1: overview
This publication continues efforts by the ACOSS/UNSW Sydney Poverty and Inequality Partnership to fill the knowledge gap about the prevalence and profile of poverty in Australia. Utilising the latest ...
Future of work literature review: emerging trends and issues
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