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Resources - AofCM
Browse through the various webinars the ACM plans to offer member ministries as professional development.
Get Involved - AofCM
Join ACM's global family of Christian campus ministries and discover the valuable networking, resource-sharing and support the association offers.
Webinars - AofCM
ACM invites member ministry staff to join webinars on topics relevant to ministry. More will be announced as time goes by, so be sure to check back in. Browse & register below. Max capacity is...
Our History - AofCM
Currently, the Association of College Ministries (ACM) is a mutually supportive worldwide fellowship of campus ministries associated with non-denominational Christian Churches, a body of...
Mission - AofCM
The ACM is an international collective of college ministries (most of whom find their roots in the Restoration Movement) working in unison to advance God's calling found in the great commission. We...
Beliefs - AofCM
Because our heritage is "non-creedal,” the following statements describe what our member organizations most likely believe but do not constitute an “official creed.” That being said, we...