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Graduate Programs - Department of Anthropology
The Department of Anthropology offers outstanding graduate programs leading to the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Anthropology and a 1 year MA degree in Medical Anthropology with a...
Undergraduate Programs - Department of Anthropology
The Anthropology Department’s undergraduate programs investigate human behavior and biology through four emphases, offered as both majors and minors. Each of these emphases pushes you to develop the q...
Integrated Graduate Studies (IGS) - Department of Anthropology
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Accelerated 1 Year M.A. Program in Medical Anthropology & Global Health including a Certificate in
The Anthropology Department at Case Western Reserve University offers an intensive 2 semester (1-yr) MA program in Medical Anthropology and Global Health.
Majors and Minors - Department of Anthropology
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Faculty/Staff - Department of Anthropology
A directory of the faculty in Case Western Reserve University's Department of Anthropology