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Angels Sanguine: Blood Angels: Saguinor WIP
Hello all, Slick here with an update for my Blood Angels. I've been working on the Saguinor as I finish painting up the various HQ choices I...
Angels Sanguine: Tournament: War Without End! Warhammer Fantasy 7th Edition Challenge Board League
Goal: To work your way to the top of the pyramidal Challenge Board and defend your position! Start up: Cost of the league is $3.00 which get...
Angels Sanguine: 40K: Battle Report from Home (Guard vs. CSM)
Hello all, Fiberglass Demon here with another installment. I know I promised a step by step on my friends Kahrn the Betrayer model and the p...
Angels Sanguine: January 2010
Tactics, modelling, painting, battle reports, and gaming.
Angels Sanguine: April 2009
Disclaimer & Legal Woes This web site is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. 40k, Adeptus Astartes, Battlefleet Gothic, Black Flame, Black Library, the Black Libra...
Angels Sanguine: March 2009
I will be discussing the tactic of luring the opponent into either failed charges or situations which will be disastrous for them. This tactic is simple enough in concept, yet often difficult to execu...