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The official website of Andaman & Nicobar Administration
Press Release: Statement of Marks for the post of Heavy Driver (HVD) and Physical Training Instructor(PTI) Economics and Statistics Press Note: Applications are invited f...
Andaman UT Administration
Andaman The Andaman & Nicobar Islands is a union territory of India. This territory is known as A & N Islands, or ANI. It is located in the Indian Ocean, in the southern reaches of the Bay of Be...
Andaman UT Administration
Circular: In light of the tentative scheduled visit of VVIP in the isles between 03.01.2022 to 23.01.2022 31-12-2021 20 Circular: Multiple instances have been noticed that there is a frequent tendenc...
Andaman UT Administration
Email: cs-andaman[at]nic[dot]in Shri Keshav Chandra joined the Indian Administrative Service in 1995. He is serving as Chief Secretary of Andaman and Nicobar Islands since 3rd August 2022. Profession...
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