Patton In Pasedena - America Invaded
“Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.” In 2017 Patton must be remembered on account of his dashing and aggressive leadership in W...
The Battle of San Pasqual - America Invaded
“The bloodiest battle of the American invasion of California was fought on December 6, 1846, at San Pasqual, between General Kearny’s forces and the Californios, led by Pico.” Stained Glass US Troops....
Reviews - America Invaded
– MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW:SMALL PRESS BOOKWATCH Unique, informative, exceptionally well written, organized and presented, “America Invaded: A State by State Guide to Fighting on American Soil” is an inher...
Press Releases - America Invaded
INVASIONS HAVE OCCURRED IN ALL FIFTY U.S. STATES COUNTLESS TIMES OVER THE COURSE OF HISTORY New Book Provides Details of Invasions and Episodes of Fighting on U.S. Soil, from California to Maine, in N...
Captain Cook... Invader or Explorer? - America Invaded
Captain Cook Memorial Westminster Abbey, London, UK Was Britain’s Captain Cook (1728 -1779) an explorer or an invader? The intrepid captain from Yorkshire circumnavigated the globe, cruised all aroun...
Contact Us - America Invaded
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