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Popular pages
The Amber Molecular Dynamics Package
Amber is a package of programs for molecular dynamics simulations of proteins and nucleic acids
Amber Tutorials
A set of tutorials for learning how to use the AMBER molecular dynamics software.
Amber Manuals
Amber Reference Manuals There is one combined Amber and AmberTools reference manual: Amber 2023 Reference Manual as an Acrobat (PDF) file. (Updated on 21 Apr 2023.) The lmod example files were inadv...
Installing Amber
Installing Amber These are specific instructions and shortcuts for getting Amber installed on popular operating systems. This information supplements what is in Chapter 2 of the Amber 2024 Reference...
AmberTools is a freely distributed component of the Amber package of programs for molecular dynamics simulations of proteins and nucleic acids
Running MD with pmemd
Running MD with pmemd Introduction This tutorial will introduce you to running a molecular dynamics(MD) simulation under production run conditions using pmemd. It will use the protein system prepared ...