Software | Equity Analytics - Alpha Vee Solutions Ltd.
What's Inside ...
US & Global Equity Modeling
Graphically view and model the Global equity Market to filter your investment universe by cap size, sector, industry, sub sector, currency and exchanges. ...
Research | Equity Analytics - Alpha Vee Solutions Ltd.
State-of-the-Art technology with 45,000 equity securities, hundreds of factor sets, backtesting of portfolio scenarios and Risk on/Risk off indicators. User friendly system for streamlined wo...
Strategies | Equity Analytics - Alpha Vee Solutions Ltd.
Our Strategies
Alpha Vee Solutions Investment models perform well over time because they use a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis to identify the best opportunities in the markets. T...
Capabilities | Equity Analytics - Alpha Vee Solutions Ltd.
Our Capabilities
License our comprehensive software platform that can take your investment idea, model it, test it and apply it in any type of investment instrument. Alpha Vee offers a calculation an...
About Us | Equity Analytics - Alpha Vee Solutions Ltd.
Alpha Vee Solutions provides, research, investment models, commentary, data, analytics and is provider of portfolio management software. Today, with leading investment models and direct indexes, the f...
In The News | Equity Analytics - Alpha Vee Solutions Ltd.
The Wealth Advisor
Alpha Vee’s CEO Leigh Eichel interviews with Scot Martin, the editor of The Wealth Advisor, for the Portfolio and Strategists Spotlight.