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HazelnutBastille | AloftStudio
More Whether you're a WINDOWS IMPERIAL, a PENGUIN, a FRUIT, or a NINDY, Aloft has you covered with a RELEASE planned for your home computer entertainment console! You've NEVER SEEN ANYTHING quite like...
News | AloftStudio
Introducing the new cover art! Here is a preview of our new cover art, which aims to capture the spirit of our first chapter! Depicted is a party of player characters in the foreground, with the ruins...
Game Content | AloftStudio
Game features overview Here we describe the features of the game currently in development. We have a segment that briefly covers each major feature; the list is of course not exhaustive, and later s...
HazelnutBastillePress | AloftStudio
Description Hazelnut Bastille is a topdown adventure game with metroidvania elements which seeks to continue the great lineage of superior design from the mid 90's- the moment in time when mainstream ...
HBDemoBuilds | AloftStudio
This is our first Public Preview build for Hazelnut Bastille, first available September 29, 2018! Hazelnut has been in development Since April 2016, and has been privately tested since July 2017! Be...
HBDemoTesting | AloftStudio
-If you experience control issues, we have a keybinding menu and input menu which can offer fixes! -You are permitted to share the build, and record videos / stream your experiences at this time; ...