Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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All-Soft Technologies
Discontinued Product ** Assembly Manager (a Windows and NT compatible computer program) allows you to manage the assembly and sales of products. Products usually consists of many parts from many...
AllSoft Technologies
(for Windows) Tool Manager for Windows is a Point-Of-Sale, Customer Account, and Inventory management system. Tool Manager is ideal for the Mobile Jobber salesman where customer acco...
All-Soft Technologies
Internet Tool Orders Many customers of your warehouse are potentially using the Tool Manager ® computer program. Today, these customers have to email, fax, mail, or manuall...
USB: $399. � Available in Dark-Gray or Beige. � We create and install a logo for you or use a picture that you email to us. � Prints an invoice ...
All-Soft Technologies
Discontinued Product ** Accounts Manager (a Windows and NT compatible computer program) is a Point-Of-Sale, Customer Account, and Inventory management System. Accounts Manager is ideal for small...
All-Soft Technologies
go to the Tool Manager OPTIONS menu and select item SETUP. 1) Set PRINT FONT to New_Courier_Bold_10. 2) Check the box next to Use Receipt Printer. Set Line Width to...