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Aimsun: Mobility Intelligence For Decisions That Count
At Aimsun, our mission is to empower strong, evidence-based decisions to improve the world’s transport networks.
Free Trial – Aimsun
Free trial version of Aimsun integrated transport modelling software. Download it now and see what it can do!
Downloads – Aimsun
Downloads for Aimsun Next mobility modeling software - Windows, Mac and Linux.
Student edition – Aimsun
The Aimsun Next Student edition is COMPLETELY FREE to students currently studying a relevant field at a recognized university.
Aimsun Next editions – Aimsun
Aimsun Next is a multi-resolution, multi-modal modeling tool. Simulate mobility on any scale from whole regions to cities, zones, subnetworks, and all the way down to highways, corridors and individua...
About Aimsun
Aimsun is an international leader in mobility planning and transportation management technology.