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Affordable Eco Solutions provides the highest quality environmentally friendly products including gloves, coffee cups, towels, eco wipes & more. Order now!
Eco-Products for Hair & Beauty Salon | Affordable Eco Solutions
We help eco hair & beauty salon, day spas, massage parlors, gyms, and dog groomers save money while having a positive impact on the environment. Get in touch!
Faqs | Sustainable Eco Products | Affordable Eco Solutions
The towels are biodegradable & break down over 12 weeks in landfill conditions so placing them into the garbage is fine. The ecotek gloves will also fully biodegrade.
Eco Starter Combo Pack Online | Affordable Eco Solutions
Try our Affordable Eco-Products today with this sample size combo featuring the entire range of products including black Eco towels, gloves & wipes. Shop now!
Large Disposable Eco Towels Combp Pack | Affordable Eco Solutions
Make the switch to affordable Eco value combo pack today with this value-packed combo featuring the entire range of products. Buy 100% biodegradable products!
600 Black Disposable Eco Towels | Affordable Eco Solutions
Our super absorbent 100% biodegradable affordable eco towels are the perfect choice for businesses wanting to eliminate laundry duty while saving money.