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The Ad Collector (a.k.a. Add Shots)
In order to raise awareness on homelessness, Publicis Conseil and Samusocial, an emergency service dedicated to help this people, put the spectators in the shoes of a homeless person on the streets of...
The Ad Collector (a.k.a. Add Shots): April 2009
"Postman topples dictator. The thousands of letters our members send to protest against a cruel act carried out by a dictator can add up to massive international pressure. The more letters we write th...
The Ad Collector (a.k.a. Add Shots): December 2010
"Making the invisible visible" is an outdoor campaign for Amnesty International featuring German street artists Mentalgassi that wants to bring attention to the case of Troy Davis, a prisoner who who ...
The Ad Collector (a.k.a. Add Shots): January 2010
The situation - Men love going to bars to drink beer with friends. The problem - Girlfriends. They hate it when men go to bars to drink beer with friends. The solution - Andes Teletransporter. A close...
The Ad Collector (a.k.a. Add Shots): December 2008
As the world’s first carbon neutral bank, HSBC pursues environmental initiatives throughout its organization. The task at hand was to increase awareness of their website,
The Ad Collector (a.k.a. Add Shots): Good Parent Foundation - Porcelain
Copy: "You can lose more than your patience. " ( Puedes perder más que la paciencia. ) Agency: DDB, Pol...