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Kelley's In Kenya
Hello! Welcome! Karibu sana! Our names are Aaron and Stephanie Kelley, and we serve as missionaries at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya, East Africa with our 5 boys. We’re just a normal family on an amazing ...
February | 2013 | Aaron In Kenya
Posted in Spread the love For those of you following along on Facebook have probably seen by now that we have successfully made it to our destination at Tenwek Hospital in Bomet. After 24 h...
Contact Us | Aaron In Kenya
Contact Us We would love for you to partner with us as we continue on this journey. If you would like to contact us or follow our progress you can do so by: E-mail – Subscri...
Support our Family | Aaron In Kenya
Support our Family Thank you for your interest in supporting our family. I am currently serving as a “Casualty” Doctor at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya. I am part of the Post-Residency Program through Worl...
June | 2014 | Aaron In Kenya
Posted in Spread the love I realize that it has been a long time since my last post and I apologize for that. This is partly due to that fact that the past several weeks have been quite bu...
How We Got Here | Aaron In Kenya
How We Got Here [blockquote]Some of the most frequent questions we get when people find out we are going to Kenya are: “What are you doing?” and “Why?” These are not questions that can be easily ans...