Norwegian Explorer
Norwegian Explorer
increased demand in the tourist and adventure market. We want to offer
adventurous tourists a little bit of Norway’s history, our cultural heritage and
Hadeland Glassverk
Hadeland Glassverk
Hadeland Glassverk
With its nine shops and three eateries all located in typical historical buildings as well as its open glassblowing Studio, glass museum and its beautiful and sce...
Porsgrunds Porselænsfabrik
Porsgrunds Porselænsfabrik
Porsgrunds Porselænsfabrik
Porsgrunds Porselænsfabrik is today a modern design house with seven in-house designers that constantly focus on developing beautiful, functional ...
Christiania Glasmagasin
Christiania Glasmagasin
Christiania Glasmagasin
Today, Christiania GlasMagasin is the oldest Norwegian retail company with 55 stores throughout the country. It combines unique history and long term tr...
SeaDream Yacht club
SeaDream Yacht club
SeaDream Yacht club
SEADREAM’S twin mega yachts are a balance of casual comfort and refined elegance. “Yachting” defines the lifestyle aboard. From the moment you are welcomed aboa...
3 Norske AS med datterselskaper omfattes av åpenhetsloven og
gjennomfører aktsomhetsvurderinger iht. OECD sine retningslinjer.
Hvert år publiseres redegjørelsen for selskapene og ellers...