Qui prie sauve son âme helps to pray well
Parakou, 29 May 2012
Mr Director,
I am writing to thank you for sending
30Jours, a very well documented magazine and with very fine graphics. But that i...
Who prays is saved è una vera benedizione per i malati
Gulu, 16 gennaio 2012
Onorevole senatore Andreotti,
con questa mia voglio informarla di aver ricevuto cinquanta copie dei piccoli l...
30Giorni |
The passing away of don Giacomo Tantardini
The passing away of don Giacomo Tantardini
The editorial office of the monthly magazine
30Days in the Church and in the world, directed by Giulio Andreotti, announces the death of ...
30Giorni |
Giulio Andreotti
The statesman Giulio Andreotti needs no presentations. During his tenure, which began in 1993 (the monthly was founded in 1981),
30Days took on a truly international scope. Many are the dist...
Qui prie sauve son âme, un instrument simple et pratique pour la prière
Hazmieh, 11 mai 2012
Bien cher Directeur,
Que la paix du Seigneur soit toujours dans votre âme!
Je vous remercie de la re...
30Giorni | The little letters of “Nennolina” (by Stefania Falasca)
Archive of
The little letters of “Nennolina”
She was a child who lived in Rome and died of cancer in 1937 when she was six...