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Merchant navy after Graduation | 2IMU Marine ***
GME Course Graduate Marine Engineering (GME) Course is a one year Pre sea Training course for Graduates those who have completed BE /B Tech in Mechanical Engineering or Naval Architecture...
IMU CET 2021 | Application Form | Admit Card | Results | Counselling Dates | Admission Procedure
IMU-CET All admissions to the various UG and PG programmes of the IMU and its Affiliated Institutes will be through All-India Common Entrance Tests (CETs) conducted every year 2 times, usually in the ...
MBA Programmes |2IMU Marine***
The School of Maritime Management offers the following 2 programmes Two-year full-time MBA programme in Port & Shipping Management. Two-year full-time MBA programme in International Transportation & L...
M.Tech Programmes | 2IMU Marine***
This offers two PG programmes: M.Tech in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. M.Tech in Dredging and Harbour Engineering. The School has carved a niche for itself by offering high quality- indust...
DME Course | Diploma In Marine Engineering | 2IMU Marine***
Diploma in Marine Engineering (DME Course). This is a two year Pre-sea training course for Diploma Holders (DME) leading to Class IV Marine Engineer Officer Certificate of competency, awarded by the ...
About Us | 2IMU Marine Services (P) Ltd.
OverView: 2IMU Marine Services is a professional firm that counsels students who desire to join Merchant Navy. 2IMU Marine Services has been counselling students since 2008. 2IMU Marine Services set u...