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Recent posts: “Smart” Credit Cards, Are You Using Them?
“Smart” Credit Cards, Are You Using Them? One of the more common questions I am asked by clients during the discussion of their debt situation is “Should we be using credit cards?”.
If you have ever watched any of the personal finance shows on TV, you would hear Dave Ramsey, Suze Orman and others typically dismiss all credit cards as bad debt and never to be used. The reality is this is yet another example of why blanket advice...
Four Easy Saving Tips without Giving up on Anything If you pay attention to a lot of personal finance advice, one of the first pieces of advice that you get is to start a budget and start cutting major expenses.
As a financial planner, we would rather focus on increasing your income and focusing on saving, rather than try to control and cut the costs....
Can Turkey’s fifth-gen stealth fighter jet outperform US F35? Turkey is one of the early backers of the fifth-generation American fighter jet program. But the U-turn in USA policy towards Turkey, a key member of NATO, is forcing this strategic partner to speed up the development of its own fifth-generation fighter... About Elix Magazine Dear Readers,
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Take the First Step in Assessing Your Financial Situation It starts with that uneasy feeling in the back of your mind that not everything is perfect. Then, you start feeling uneasy or anxious any time you see that bank statement, credit card statement, or your latest 401k or investment account update.
In almost every situation, people will typically wait too long in order to take action, and by the time they finally do, it is because the problem has become as big as it has.  Whether you are wealthy or poor, financial anxiety is a real issue, and in...